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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
HÃ¥vard Lyr Req: Seven Deadly Sins (22) Lyr Add: SEVEN DEADLY SINS 23 Jun 97


Some say that kissing's a sin, but tell me how can that be true?
For kissing has been in this world since the very first day there was two.

And if it was illegal, then the lawyers they would sue,
And the prisons would be full of folk who had a kiss* or two,
And if they didn't like it, then away the girls would run,
And if it wasn't plenty, then the poor folk would have none.

Some say that swearing's a sin, but where is the man that can tell?
For swearing has been in this world since the Devil was told, "Go to Hell!"

Some say that gambling's a sin, but I bet you thousand to one
That gambling has been in this world since horses and greyhounds could run.

Some say that smoking's a sin, but a pipe now and then is enough.
For smoking has been in this world since Adam taught Eve how to puff.

Some say that drinking's a sin, but a dram is the blessing of men.
For drinking has been in this world for ever and ever. - Amen!

*) Insert kiss, curse, bet, smoke and drink.

Unfortunately The Dubliners doesn't sing the last two verses of this song either (compare to 7 drunken nights). One can only imagine... (Anyway I'd be very interested to get them) -H

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 4-Feb-02.

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