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BlueSage Help: Rain forest songs (5) ADD: The Silent Song (Mike Iverson) 06 Jun 02

I haven't heard the rainforest cuts (no pun intended) you were referring to in your request. If you're interested in learning other songs dealing with deforestation, I would be happy to send you a cd of a song I wrote many years ago. You can PM me if your interested. It may take a few weeks for me to get around to recording it but I'd be willing to do it free of charge. The lyrics are as follows:

The Silent Song
(Mike Iverson - 1979)

High upon this wooded knoll, I answer back the silent call.
The darkened trees around me ring, the life within in silence sings.

No written word can match the peace this silent song will freely teach,
and though the song some souls don't hear, for those in tune it rings out clear.
The silence of the forest fills your heart with hope and song.
The path it shows reveals to us a life we've left too long!
But now a new song fills the air. It breeds complacency, greed, despair.
From this Hell you cannot hide for "mankind" surrounds you on all sides.

They build their roads, they raise their towns. Their factories obscure the clouds.
Saying "progress must now take the lead", they destroy the peace the forest needs. But......


Now we who listen must not hide, for we alone can stem the tide.
The forest screams out for our aid as it decries the death role our hands played.

Those greedy ones whose selfish grasp has choked the silent song, at last
Must face the ruin they have caused and give the forest back it's song.

(Chorus) (End)

Let me know if your interested....
Mike Iverson
HTML added to fix line breadks and indent.
-Joe Offer-

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