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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,DW at work again BS: Time for a TAVERN thread-bring yer thong (132* d) RE: BS: Time for a TAVERN thread-bring yer thong 13 Jun 02

Geez, I really worry about you guys.... I may have to report this place to my buddy Beardyman over at the clinic.

Did anyone help the mouse? That amount of Guinness can't be good for a human, let alone a rodent, especially one that's tried to screw an ocarina.

And what's with the inflatable sheep all over the place? Move it bud, I can't see that Liz's butt jiggle, and it would be a damn shame to miss that, just the right amount of shimmy (if this is the same Liz from a "calendar" I've seen).


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