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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Yorkshire Tony BS: Time for a TAVERN thread-bring yer thong (132* d) RE: BS: Time for a TAVERN thread-bring yer thong 13 Jun 02

The sudden increase in decibels gets the attention of YT and his cat. YT gives up pondering the mysteries of why anyone would want to wear thongs in the jelly pit - they must like the feel of jelly between their toes - he would personally go for a good pair of wellies. His cat trots over to Susan and joins in the caterwauling - at last a song she can join in with! Then she rubs up against Susan's legs in sisterly empathy. YT is further amazed by Kat's sudden transformation - hey she hasn't got a bad body under that char-woman outfit - I wonder if she can do the running on air bit like in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Perhaps I could show her some of the more unusual techniques I learned in Tibet - or was it India?

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