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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Murph10566 Songs about Fathers (2) (89* d) Lyr Add: YOU CAN ALWAYS KISS YOUR DAD 14 Jun 02

Here's one I wrote for a friend who passed on a while back; Tom K. was fond of telling his kids that 'No matter what you've done, you can always come to me - you can always kiss your Father'.

Happy Father's Day to all our/you Dads, Pops, Das, et al -


Who knew the years would fly so fast?
How precious was the time we had!
'Though all good things must end at last,
You can always kiss your dad.

Those days I wasn't there for you,
The many times I made you mad,
I did the best that I could do.
You can always kiss your dad.

CHORUS: Remember that I'm always here.
You're everything I hold most dear,
And when I'm gone, I'll still be near.
You can always kiss your dad.

How wonderful you've turned out!
I guess I didn't do so bad.
You're what my life was all about.
You can always kiss your dad.

CHORUS: Remember that I'm always here.
You kids are all I hold most dear,
And when I'm gone, I'll still be near.
You can always kiss your dad.
You can always kiss your dad.
And a little hug… wouldn't be… too bad.

Tim Murphy
(c) 2001

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