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Tucker Place names (146* d) RE: Place names 27 Apr 99

Hey Liam, there is Point Pleasant Ohio too! I missed that one but it was early and I was out of Whiskey. Honestly, an Atlas, especially of Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia will provide hours of entertainment to anyone with a twisted sense of humour (humor), like myself. I remember one time some people dropped by our firehouse and wanted to get directions to "Tootle-Lee- Do." No one knew where it was. The man asked to see a map so my Lt. took him inside to show him a state map. Some minutes later the man left and my officer came out and started rolling on the ground laughing. He didn't stop for 20 minutes. It seems the guy was looking for Toledo, Ohio. Well, we ohioans aren't perfect either. A friend of mine was stationed to California and told the cab driver he wanted to go to Valley Joe.......Valejo. Language is such a blast and our names for things are even better.....Which leads me to a new thread

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