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Joan Obit: Singer Barbara Carns (July, 2002) (20) Barbara Carns 09 Jul 02

Barbara Carns died this morning, 7/9/02, at 6:60 AM. She was 76, and still a grand singer of blues, sea songs, labor songs, and just good songs. She lived in Plainfield, VT, with roots in New Bedford and Cape Cod; many will associate her with the Eisteddfod and Tryworks Coffee House in MA. Others remember her appearances at Fox Hollow and Champlain Valley Festivals.

All her children were with her at the end: Tom, Robin, Dan, Louisa and George, and at her request, friends in her Vermont community gathered in her hospital room for goodbyes and some singing. She sang too. She had a gentle, classy exit--appropriate for a gentle, cla

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