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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
ozmacca Hondo Mandolin (22) RE: Help: Hondo Mandolin 30 Jul 02

A friend of mine (non-playing) owns a second-hand Hondo round-backed mandolin to hang up on the wall. It has been in my spare room for a long time now, waiting for me to arrange to have the wrist-rubbing guard on the top repaired. My (playing) wife has tried it, but the very narrow neck and hard action make it very uncomfortable. It is labelled "Korea", and looks nice, but not special. It sounds middling to so-so, and all up, none of us were particularly impressed. Going to look all right on the wall, though. Price for similar models around this part of Brisbane seem to run about AUS$350 and up, which I think is dear. You could buy a lot of plaster ducks for that.

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