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DaveP Who is Isla St Clair ? (74* d) RE: Who is Isla St Clair ? 02 Aug 02

She appeared at a club I and my wife frequent a couple of years ago.

My opinion, for what it is worth.

An attractive, down to earth person. As in a lot of UK clubs some floor singers did their bit before her act. She did listen to the locals, unlike some 'super stars' who think they are 'super stars' She has a good voice and a good understanding of the origins of the songs she sings (at least those she performed when I saw her). Her accent is a 'soft' Scottish one which should be easier to understand than some of the more 'harsh'ones you may have come across.

She also appeared on a TV show with Morcombe and Wise, a very well loved UK comedy duo from the last century!

My advice - go and see her!

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