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Sibelius Are folk singers allowed to improve? (68* d) RE: Are folk singers allowed to improve? 07 Aug 02

DMcG's recollection, of a singer complaining of people applauding when they hadn't been listening, triggered a wry smile.

Here comes a confession: I did the very same thing myself not two months ago! Admittedly, this was in a pub where we occasionally go for a session, not a folk club, but it was very cramped and noisy, full of people who were there to eat and drink and not to listen to the music. It was getting late, we (and our instruments) kept getting trodden on, and we were all beginning to lose our tempers. What annoyed me was the fact that all the singers and players - who ignored the damn song but applauded it anyway - were my friends, so maybe I felt I could get away with blowing off a bit of steam in their direction. They all just fell about laughing, serve me right! As a respondent to DMcG's post suggested, perhaps it should be taken as feedback: learn some new and better songs.....

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