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Tucker Favorite Flowers and yard decor (93* d) RE: Favorite Flowers and yard decor 06 May 99

Thanks Robin, I am making it a point to go camping this weekend and searching for Morels. It'll also be a time to take Oldblue and Miss Daisy out and I hope introduce my son-in-law to camping. He's in his thirties and never slept in a tent!!! Poor laddie! My daughter gets a hoot out of him, but he's her beau, and I like him too. I am almost afraid to turn him on to the great outdoors, especially to show him and my daughter a very private, sedate, swimming hole out in the forest. 'fraid I'll end up with another grandchild...Seriously, hehe right, I need to get out there, even if all I find are inkcaps

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