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Tucker Post-Colorado Frenzy II (29) RE: Post-Colorado Frenzy II 07 May 99

Aye folks, and then you see a tv show such as cops where the police seem to actually enjoy breaking in the homes of people and separating children from parents, or setting up "johns" (entrapment, if you ask me). Sorry Leprechan, there's enough real crime out there that needs taken care of. Stupid crap like the Portsmouth Police did the other day (drug bust with battering rams while wearing T shirts that said " we make house calls""). Come on! Let me tell you a few cop things I have seen lately I DO like. I like seeing cops riding bikes in my neighborhood, meeting the people, knowing my name, saying hi once in a while. Everyone on mudcat knows I enjoy my right to own firearms, but I like it when my local police have concelled rather than open carried large caliber firearms. Allow me to tell you why. Many times, as an EMT we arrived to a volitile situation, and diffused it only to have it go helter/skelter when the police walk in screaming with their sidearms in their hands. Our society has to stop being hipocrites. We show children video games of violence and then blame the NRA, our movies are terrible, our radio music tells kids to kill cops. Jesus Christ! I used to watch Zorro and wanted to sword fight. You think that our children are different? But instead of Epee's and Sgt Garcia now there are DC Tech 9's and Propane and fertilizer bombs. Children (and some adults) emulate from this crap. Lep, don't get to hard set that you can't learn from the rest of us ok? I want to respect and like my cops. I know that you guys see the worst part of humanity every day, but remember , when you do it's like working in a complaint department, you're seeing the worst things. You signed on for it, so learn to get out and see the better side of humanity. I know that cops have a heart, pass it on.

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