Hi All,ya know I always got something to say. One, my daughter and her beau are teachers. I am concerned for their safety needless to mention. I taught her firearms use and safety as a child and that's enough said. She has one, keeps it locked up, but other wise doesn't care one way or the other about them, like most folks. Heaven help any would be assailant into her home though. The lady can shoot. Second, my heart goes out to all the family at Littleton School/Columbine. Since Columbine is my favorite flower and grows in my garden I think of those children and that coach whenever I am in my yard. If only we could recognize madness in it's infancy. We could have stopped Mao, Stalin, Hitler,McVey and Nichols,Bundy, Manson on and on and on. Sometimes we do see it and do nothing, as is the case of the deputies in Littleton, sometimes we complacently obey laws that are wrong, like the Nazi gun control laws of 1933, and wonder why we find ourselves standing naked on the edge of a ditch facing a machine gun. Decent people don't kill other people. Maniacs can kill people, in masses, a varity of ways. I have avoided going into that for fear some nuts might read our site here. Even if we have total control by government of our every action there will always be nut cases, rebellion,out of sorts reactions. My personal opinion is that it's not gun availability but all the asinine crap available at the video store and in the movies. I saw Air Force One. Folks, I was a soldier, but I was revolted by the portrayal of the villian shooting the young lady point blank in the head. Come On! Our kids are watching this crap! We don't need it. That is not ENTERTAINMENT unless you are a roman and enjoy watching people die in an ampitheather. Let's go beyond this ok? Tell Hollywood we won't accept this, let's enforce our existing laws, let's be civil to everyone and let's show the world that the United States of America doesn't use our armed forces to cover for a man who can't keep his zipper up. See, I promised I'd PO a lot of folks, but that's my opinion