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Sibelius BS: Quiz - English History 400-2000 AD (34) RE: BS: Quiz - English History 400-2000 AD 22 Aug 02

"1000-1100 - The last successful invasion of England ensured that all court proceedings would be carried out in French for the next 200 years":

I've scanned the responses and I don't think this one's been done. The church courts may have worked in Latin, but the Normans introduced a legal system of sorts, which eventually became the Common Law. The officials who ran it worked in French, which became so entrenched in the developing legal system that it became known as Law French - it still is. Latin came later.

The first six kings of England after 1066, including that early symbol of mythical English heroism Richard I, could not speak English. It wouldn't have seemed strange to him; he was an Angevin king, and England was merely part of his Angevin kingdom.

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