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Tucker Obit: Shel Silverstein (1930-1999) (83* d) RE: Shel Silverstein has died 11 May 99

I had the fortune to see Shel one day in Salsalito Ca, 1969. Hippy though I was/believe it or not soldier too, I left the man alone, I knew his work from the really great playboy years, his art (cartooning, interviews) and later his songs. I was sitting by the fountain there, and Shel was coming across the street from the Trident. I wanted to BS, but I figured hey Celebs need some time to be free. I waved, said "hey Shel, I've love'd your work". He smiled, seemingly genuinely, and said thanks. Only Contact. But I could see it made him happy and it made me happy, to see one of my favorite cartoonist.

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