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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,BB Whittlebury Song & Ale (26) RE: Whittlebury Song & Ale 30 Sep 02

Radriano, if you think you might be able to get over here some time, and can make sure that it's at the end of September, send me your snail-mail address, and I'll put you on the mailing list. You'll stay on it for three years, but can then ask for it to remain on the list if you still haven't managed to make it.

This also applies to anyone else who thinks that it might suit them - no instruments, and a job to do for a couple of hours during the weekend - I think those are the only possible downsides - and many people think they're actually the opposite!

Please e-mail

PS: Like the song, Nutty, but where did you get the vindaloo? Missed you, by the way.



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