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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Marion Peavey 'Solo' PA; opinions? (40) Peavey 'Solo' PA; opinions? 30 Sep 02

Hello. What I have my eye on now is the Peavey Solo portable PA. Has anyone tried one of these?

It looks like an amp - why are they calling it a PA rather than an amp?

Also, it only has 15 Watts when plugged in. A couple of acoustic amps I was looking at came in 50 or 100 W varieties, and I thought PAs were generally more powerful than amps. Does 15 W mean that this can't fill much space with sound?

(I intend using it for nursing home gigs, and I want something easy to carry that can handle my guitar pickup and a microphone. The battery option is interesting but not terribly important to me).

Thanks, Marion

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