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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Mark Roffe History of Willie Brown (9) RE: History of Willie Brown 21 May 99

Well tell me this: is that the same Willie Brown who did the "Mississippi Blues" that went:

Goin' down to the delta, where I can have my fun (2x)
Where I can drink my white lightnin' and gamble, try and bring my baby home..."

and then a few verses later...

"She treats me dirty, but I love her just the same (2x)
It just breaks my heart to hear some other man call out her name..."

Is it he??

This one a great piano-like finger picking number, with a kind of boogie-woogie break or two.

I think that THIS Willie Brown may have been a barber. So tell me, is he is or is he ain't the Willie who did "Future Blues" and "M & O Blues?"

Bark Woof

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