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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST, Lyr Req: Unicorn Song- Not Silverstein or Webb (6) Lyr Req: Unicorn Song- Not Silverstein or Webb 31 Oct 02

I'm looking for a song about a Unicorn. It is NOT the ones written by Shel Silverstein (Irish Rover version) or Jimmy Webb (The Last Unicorn movie version).

First verse:

High on a hill in a far off land
stood the last of the great unicorn
And as he looked down on the kingdom below,
all he could feel was lonely.
Times had changed for the grand unicorn,
Dark days were long and staying
And though he was fierce and his horn glowed still
the power of his magic was fading

Does anyone know this version?

If so, please contact me at the above email address.



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