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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
denise:^) Dr Howells now insults the USA (88* d) RE: Dr Howells now insults the USA 20 Nov 02

How can you not see the insult? Were YOU asked if you could identify the UK? I wasn't--but I can do it.

Any time you use a broad, sweeping generality to define or describe people, you are going to be inaccurate--and therefore insulting--to a large part of them.

Hence, to say that, "In America [query: did he intend to include Mexico and Canada?], no one has heard of the United Kingdom..." is an insult to a large portion of the U.S. population--who, I'm sure, have, indeed, heard of the United Kingdom.

For what it's worth, when I was on a month-long concert tour in England, very few people knew where (or what) Michigan was...


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