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Mark Roffe The Amazing Harpgirl (12) RE: The Amazing Harpgirl 01 Jun 99

harpgirl, since you will probably be reading a thread with your name in it ('thought in the moonlight by firefly light)...
I was wondering if you might know a Florida folksinger that I've lost track of. I played music with when I lived in Sarasota in the mid-seventies. Her last name was Graham or Grahm, and her first name I think was Holly(?) She wrote a song about Florida that had a chorus something like:

Let's go down to the sunny south,
Bless your heart and hush my mouth,
mosquitos so big they'll carry you away.
Well the alligator is in the ditch
and the rattlesnakes are a sonofabitch
and the ..(?)... keep getting bigger all the time.

Is this somebody you know?

Bark Woof

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