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denise:^) Lyr Req: there is a ship and she sails the sea (15) RE: Lyr Req: there is a ship and she sails the sea 28 Nov 02

Oh, no--wait; you've got 2 songs going here!

The first one is "The Water is Wide" --
"The water is wide, I cannot cross o'er.
Neither have I wings to fly,
Give me a boat that can carry two,
And both shall row, my love and I." etc., etc.
A slow, smooth, and lovely song...

The second is "The Golden Vanity"
(much more lively & rollicking than the first)
...and you've posted most of the lyrics to that one!

They're both great songs, and both talk about a ship--but they're really quite different! I'd never noticed the similarity in lyrics 'till now, because the melodies/stories behind the lyrics are so different.

It's worth checking out both if you don't know them.
Nearly every folk group from the 60's has a version of "The Golden Vanity" recorded; I know Peter, Paul, & Mary have a recording of both--but they 'fixed' the lyrics on both, too. Still good songs, and pleasant to listen to, but not the original lyrics, if that's what you want.


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