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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
denise:^) The personal song - Who does it well? (70* d) RE: The personal song - Who does it well? 30 Nov 02

I saw a local artist at a coffeehouse the other night, and any *one* of her angst-ridden songs would probably be fine in a set. However, after the first 15 minutes of them--all too long, too, IMHO--I was ready to scream. Aside from all having similar rhythm/chord structures, they were ALL very self-deprecating and misery-filled. Doesn't ANYTHING good ever happen to this woman? If so, she wasn't about to share it with us!

So, I think that variety is another component of doing "personal" songs well. Even an upbeat song--say, about how much you treasure your children or spouse--could be a drag if you sang 6 of them in a row! Or, if they go on over 6 minutes...

Even when you make 'the personal connection' with the audience, I think variety and the ability to show a little humor and lighten up a bit is really important, too, or your set can really bring people down.


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