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denise:^) Craig Johnson songs (43) RE: Craig Johnson songs 30 Nov 02

Okay, so it's Art's stuff I've gotta get, huh?

Funny thing--I really enjoy Sally Rogers (Lovely Agnes is another song that I've done for years), and her recording of "The Keweenaw Light" is the one I heard first, on a collection called "Michigan in Song."

"Way Down the Road" is on the recording, too--but sung by "Iowa Rose," and not Sally Rogers. I picked up both songs from there, and added them to my repertoire.

To this day, I've never come across Sally's version of "Way Down the Road!" (I'm sure I could go look it up on her site...) I'll have to get my hands on it some day.

But, for now, I'll have to hunt up Art's stuff--thanks, folks; that's what I wanted to know...


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