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Reiver #2 (inactive) Lyr Req: Come Out Ye Black and Tans (8) RE: Looking for the lyrics to 'Black and Tans' 05 Jun 99

Mick, I agree with you... that's one of the things I love about trad. songs. You hear several versions, then use the one you like the best, or put them together in the best "fit" for you. I DO like to find "original" versions when I can. Interestingly, though, someone like Woody Guthrie changed his own songs when it suited him, and never seemed to feel that his "original version" was sacrosanct. And, no, I haven't heard Paddy O'Reilly's version of "The Hills of Kerry." I'll have to look for it.

As for the "strange handle", that's a story in itself. I used to sing with another bloke up in British Columbia. We did mostly only Irish and Scottish trad. songs and called ourselves The Reivers. He heard about the Mudcat Cafe a few months ago from a friend, and told me to check it out (I was checking out words to the Ballad of William Bloat) so I did! Then I found he'd entered a Personal Page for me, listing me as Reiver #2. So I kept it. I'm assuming he decided that he was Reiver #1 -- and I can't argue with that as he's a far, far, better musician than I am. I just love that kind of music is all.

Reiver #2 Bryce Babcock

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