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denise:^) Folk Music On PBS (179* d) RE: Folk Music On PBS 11 Dec 02

Basically, what it amounts to, is that we're "buying" our programming on the public stations--doing what the advertisers do on network tv.

I realize that sending in a check won't guarantee that WDET (radio) will bring back Prairie Home Companion, but it's a good way to get a vote in--and WDET is still my head-and-shoulders-above-the-rest choice when it comes to radio programming.
Public television lags a bit behind in that respect--there are cable channels I enjoy watching--but it still, as a rule, beats out network programming! (Although I could use a lot less of those 'organic food' gurus, and self-help swamis, of which there seem to be an abundance between 9-11pm!)


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