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Mark Roffe Origin: 'The herring loves the merry moonlight...' (17) RE: The love lives of various sea fish 10 Jun 99

As written/performed by Sylvester MacIntosh:
I've got mokko mokko, abba, double-bellied basha,
Congo nana, and catholic fish.
Eyefish, jewfish, electric gramma eel,
Deep-sea eel, and a common eel.
I've got nobo, morobo, man-eat-shark,
and a long snout marak,
Spotted jango and pepperneck fish
and plenty more if you wish.

Also various lyrics from Cole Porter's 1928 "Let's Do It (Let's Fall in Love)" -- such as:
Sponges, they say, do it,
Oysters, down in Oyster Bay, do it,
Let's do it, Let's fall in love.
Cold Cape Cod clams, 'gainst their wish, do it,
Even lazy jelly fish do it,
Let's do it, Let's fall in love.
Electric eels, I might add, do it,
Though it shocks 'em I know.
Why ask if shad do it, Waiter, bring me shad roe.
In shallow shoals, English soles do it,
Goldfish, in the privacy of bowls, do it,
Let's do it, let's fall in love.

Bark Woof

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