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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Legal Eagle Do you want to be poor? (10) RE: Do you want to be poor? 12 Jun 99

Yes, but the ISPs are lobbying hard for the legal position that they should not be liable for what is posted on sites they carry. If they succeed than they will not have to pay, and ASCAP and BMI (or, over here in the UK, PRS, MCPS, PPL, PAMRA, etc) can go whistle Dixie. If the ISPs were all going to pay blanket licence fees, and return music logs I would have much less of a problem - albeit that copyright would have been replaced in effect by a right to reuneration.

But don't forget that most of the music on the web is not posted by musicians, nor with their consent, but by people who have bought the CD and want to play it to others.

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