Here's the true facts, folks. Bob might not be the name but he is working there, administering a chunk of that billion Cdn dollars (the equivalent of about $675 million US at current exchange rates).
I got this email over a year ago from a friend who works with Canada's Department of Western Economic Diversification congratulating me on my new position and asking when I was moving. I made a hurried phone call to find out what he was talking about. He dscribed the memo that had been plastered all over his Department's email system. After some questioning, we figured out that another Bob Landry, a financial administrator with that department's Ottawa office had accepted a new position with the then-to-be-created territory of Nunavut and was looking for enough dog sleds to move his stuff up there. I gather Bob made it, all at taxpayer's expense together with the appropriate living allowance while he and his family waited for the dogs to mush on up there over the ice and snow or through the slush, as the case may be. I've seen no news reports of any accountants and/or their furniture lost on the frozen tundra between Ottawa and Iqaluit. Bob now qualifies for the Northern Allowance when filing his Canadian Income Tax Return.