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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Mac Tattie Lyr Req: alexander's thrashing mill (8) RE: Lyr Req: alexanders thrahsing mill 21 Feb 03

Alexander's Mill was written, in the early 1960's, by Buff Wilson who's father farmed just outside Irvine, Ayrshire. "It belangs tae Alexander, it's a bloody great machine. It's pen'ted rid an yella an it's ony thin' but clean. Bit y'ive got tae work like blazies fur the turn-belts never still. It's a poun'a day, an yer dinner tae, when ye wark the thrashin' mill." No just where did you hear the song? Buff was reputed to write a song a day but I've only heard three and sing two of them. cheers

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