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Peterr History of Country Music: BBC2 (31) RE: History of Country Music: BBC2 25 Feb 03

Like many above, I watched from curiosity and was caught by the whole thing which I didn't think I was interested in. Wasn't Scruggs amazing? Re. English folk, as I've seen on another thread, if there was more of it on the media, would more people get to discover it, or do the powers that be know that in fact it really is a very small minority who want it? I saw something recently which mentioned that the English weren't interested in their own traditions, and it was written in in 1910, so nothing new.
I was very surprised to find that when we started doing a mummers play very few of the audience had even heard the term, even though we used as a basis scripts from the area.
Sorry, digressed from the subject.

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