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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
denise:^) A Gig From Hell (82* d) RE: A Gig From Hell 03 Mar 03

We've had a few of these--many of them were hellish due to being an outdoor venue on a day with crummy weather (we now have a rain/cold temp/snow clause in our contract--if it's too awful, they don't pay, and we don't play...), many were due to ignorance on the part of the event organizer ("You mean, you can't 'stroll' with 2 hammered dulcimers, an upright bass, and a digital piano?"), and many were just sheer nightmares to get to--parking nearly a mile away, and no way to transport heavy instruments and equipment to the venue; you'd wind up sweating and EXTREMELY grouchy before the thing ever started (so, now, *that's* a part of the contract, too!).

Our last potential-gig-from-hell was when a local park hired us for 'background music' through the afternoon.
"Are you sure you don't want any singing? We sing, too!" I asked, over the phone.
"Oh, no; people will just be milling around and things; just play some music that they can listen to."
"Well, we could include some sing-along songs, if you'd like..."
"No, that's okay; just the music will be fine."

So, that's what we practiced--a bunch of fiddle tunes to 'mill around by.'

Then, we get to the park and find out that they've sent out publicity flyers, advertising that one of the most popular local folk groups is going to be performing a three-hour concert--but it's US, instead, armed with only fiddle tunes!--and we see a substantial audience, complete with picnic baskets, lawn chairs, and coolers, assembling 'round the gazebo...

A moment of sheer panic, and then we start frantically organizing our first 'set.'
"You've got to tell them what happened!" I tell the organizer, when he walks up.
So, as he introduces us, he sheepishly tells the audience that he inadvertently sent out *last year's* flyer, and the other group won't be appearing today.
Surprisingly enough, we only lost 3 audience members--they left before we even started--and we managed to pull off a 3-hour impromptu concert! Thank heaven, the audience seemed to love us--but, if that NEVER happens again, it will be soon enough for me...

p.s.--The worst gigs *do* make the best stories, though! ;^)

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