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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
denise:^) BS: FBI & Your Library Card - Libraries Warn (89* d) RE: BS: FBI & Your Library Card - Libraries Warn 11 Mar 03

As much as I don't like the idea, I have to chuckle at someone perusing the list of the books I'd checked out, looking for some dirt...
I happen to enjoy historical fiction--you know, wagon trains, log cabins, one-room schools--not a lot of traitorous activities in these!

This is about the same as when I worked at a middle school, and the computer room aide was reading my e-mail. I knew, because of some of the comments she made to me about places I was going, etc., that I hadn't mentioned at school. I just laughed--if she was trying to find smut, she was checking the WRONG inbox! Just a lot of notes about rehearsal times, contra dances, new tunes to learn (and even the occasional PDF of sheet music--oh, my!)
She must have been SO disappointed!
Well, the feds would be, too...

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