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Mark Roffe Who's funny? Who's Not? (149* d) RE: Who's funny? Who's Not? 01 Jul 99

Sidney J. Perelman (b.2/1/04, d.10/17/79), better know as S.J. Perelman. He wrote the dialog for most of the best Marx Bros. movies, as well as some of the funniest books in the world. His works include:

Movies by Perelman:
1) Monkey Business (1931)
2) Horse Feathers (1932)
3) Animal Crackers (?)
4) Around the World in 80 Days (1956)

Books by Perelman:
1) Crazy like a Fox (1944)
2) Strictly from Hunger (1937)
3) Look Who's Talking! (1940)
4) Westward Ha! (1948), Simon & Schuster (Illustrated by Hirschfeld)
5) The Swiss Family Perelman (1949), (illustrated by Hirschfeld)
6) Vinegar Puss (includes "Around the Bend in 80 Days") (1975)
7) Eastward, Ha! (1977)
8) Dawn Ginsbergh's Revenge (includes "How to fall out of a Hammock")
9) The Last Laugh
10) Whiskey Sours (w/Quentin Reynolds, 1930)
11) Acres and Pains (1947)
12) The Ill-Tempered Clavichord (1952) (includes "Swing Out, Sweet Opiate")
13) Keep it Crisp
14) The Most of S.J. Perelman (includes "Farewell, My Lovely Appetizer")
15) Listen to the Mocking Bird
16) Chicken Inspector No. 23 (1966)
17) The Road to Miltown (1957)
18) The Rising Gorge (includes "Small Bore in Africa, or, Dr. Perelman, I Presume)
19) Perelman's Home Companion (1955)
20) Baby, It's Cold Inside (1968?)

1) New Yorker (50 yrs)
2) Holiday

Plays/shows by Perelman:
1) All Good Americans (+ film)
2) The Night before Christmas (+film)
3) One Touch of Venus (w/Ogden Nash) (1943)
4) Sweet Bye and Bye (w/Al Hirschfeld, songs by Vernon Duke) (1946)
5) The Beauty Part (Lahr) 1962
6) Gang Aft Aglee ('46)
7) Aladdin (w/Cole Porter) 1958
8) That's Entertainment (music and lyrics by Howard Dietz and Arthur Schwartz), 1972

TV by Perelman:
1) The Big Wheel (starring Bert Lahr)
2) Malice in Wonderland (Lahr)

Books about Perelman:
1) S.J. Perelman: A Life, Dorothy Herrmann, Putnam 1986
2) That Old Gang o' Mine:L The Early and Essential S.J. Perelman, Richard Marschall, Morrow, 1984
3) "That Perelman of Great Price is 65", William Zinsser, New York TImes Magazine, 1/26/69
4) Don't Mention the Marx Brothers: Escapades with S.J. Perelman, Eric Lister, Sussex, England, The Book Guild, 1985

Other funny people include:
Robert Benchley (His son Peter, not a humorist, wrote Jaws, but Robert was a scream),
Sid Caeser,
whoops, gotta run....more later maybe,

Bark Woof

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