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Murray on SS Lyr Req: Bawdy words to Sailors Hornpipe? (24) RE: Bawdy words to Sailors Hornpipe? 01 Jul 99

Jerry Silverman's "The Dirty Song Book" (NY, 1982), p. 51, has a "Continental soldier" verse, and a chorus, "Ting-a-ling, God damn" etc. He also adds additional words for the couplet in the middle, "Do they make a lusty clamor when you hit them with a hammer" and the like (six given). He doesn't say anything about his version (one of my great criticisms about the book). The tune he prints is the "belly dance" tune, in sol-fa something like l,t,/d, t, l, l,t,/ dm t,d l, etc.

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