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GUEST,JB BIG Session at The Sloop, Barton, Lincs. (24) RE: BIG Session at The Sloop, Barton, Lincs. 26 Mar 03

It was a great success. Thanks again to all the visiting supporters who made special efforts to be there. The local press sent a photographer and also a teleman was there. Our minute + will be on bbc1 Look North at 6.30pm tonight. The pub was heaving. The run up was pure farce. The licensing dept represented by a Gill Musgrave OKd the room set aside for our private do, noting that the door had a frosted glass which was fine, as the public could not see us. On the afternoon a Martin Salmon from N.Lincs Building Control condemned the room 'cos the frosted glass meant that we could not see a fire coming. The licensee (another Gill) had no option, but to close the pub for us, which gave us the full run of the place. I understand this may be the case in future weeks, games being finished, we will be the only people in anyway.
    ET did mention that complaints often come from rival licencees with Mus Ls. Some of us have suspicions who it may be and I, for one, will not be struggling to entertain and be entertained on a Saturday up Tofts way ever again. You see, as a Stalinist, I reckon a man is presumed guilty unless proved innocent. ET will no doubt tell you what should be done about Ms/Miss/Mrs Musgrave.
    PS Sorry for the previous misinformation. It is 5:24 am in the Mid West at this moment in time, not Iraq.

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