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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Yorkshire Tony BS: The Respite Tavern - Spring on in (221* d) RE: BS: The Respite Tavern - Spring on in 06 Apr 03

The southern hemisphere door opens and a bearded figure and ancient tortoiseshell cat enter with a few Autumn roses for the floral collage, two healthy thirsts and a taste for tuna.

I'll have one of those fruity things please - I need my vitamin C with Winter coming on - and a Bailey's for the cat. Nice drop of rain we've had lately - things have greened up nicely since the bushfires - but the nights are getting chilly.

Hearing the delightful strains of Margarets Waltz, YT tries to organise a dance, while Kishi (aka Camo) curles up on the rug with her Bailey's and tuna.

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