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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Mac Tattie Tim Smith, Scottish: 'Dun the Moor' (6) RE: Tim Smith, Scottish: 'Dun the Moor' 06 Apr 03

This could well be Tom Smith from Ayr, who, like many of us, sings "Doon the Moor Amang the Heather" and has recorded this song. This was a private recording and although a large number were sold/distributed I have no details of title or whither this is still avalable. Tom was at last year's "Commonground on the Hill in Scotland" and should be at this year's, the web address is . On the home page, Tom Smith is the chap in the blue check shirt playing the mandoline. Also, like many of us, his version came via the recordings of the fabulous Irish singer Eddy Butcher.

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