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Res New Townes Van Zandt Album (26) RE: New Townes Van Zandt Album 09 Jul 99

His wife brought him home from the hospital - actually had to get him out of the hospital as he was going through the "DT's". It is my understading that anesthesia and the DT's don't mix. So, the story, as I remember it, wifey took him home, gave him is booze and he was in quite some pain. Thought he was taking some pain killers when actually the bottle of pills were antihistimines. I'll try to find the article that Jeanene Van Zandt wrote to the TVZ list concerning those events. I doubt that I still have it but if I can find it anywhere I'll post it for you. There are a number of "remembering Townes" articles available to read and I'll try to post those sites soon. Apparently there are a few people who are interested. -- Res

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