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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
denise:^) Religion and Song Circles (107* d) RE: Religion and Song Circles 19 Apr 03

Here's what I *think* I've been reading:

To most folks, the *singing* is not the problem--it's the 'intro' and 'outtro' that get folks riled...

It sounds to me like the general consensus is that most of us will sing along with nearly anyting, but don't want to be lured in by falsse pretenses. ("Come to our song jam! Oh, did we say 'Song Jam?' We meant altar call...")

We also sound like we're fed up with ultra-sensitives who can't tolerate anything that is not a part of THEIR personal beliefs or choices.

And we're tired of hijackers who come to a jam to take it over for their own purposes--whatever they may be.

So, what was the original question? ;^)


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