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GUEST,Claymore BS: A good day for Bush (206* d) RE: BS: A good day for Bush 11 May 03

Actually I don't care for the "party ping pong" either, but perhaps in a high state of dudgeon (is there ever a low state of -----? nevermind) I feel it necessary to point out a certain lack of balance on the issues. I'm certainly all for the focus on the troops (I have a former step-son over with the 3rd ID) and I have pointed out several times above, the pride the sailors must have felt, with that plane inbound.

But I swear to God, that the comments about Bush being an idiot are made by idiots who seem to have bypassed the Parential Controls program on their computer. Even those I try to ignore, but when, by extention, they state that those who happen to agree with the current state of affairs (some 70% of the Nation) are also idiots, it's time to come off the porch and chew some twit bits.

And Carol knows that while I have often disagreed with her positions, she presents them gracefully and with due merit. More often than not, in her case, we are simply sorting out the positions, and not the personalities.

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