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denise:^) Review: A Mighty Wind (167* d) RE: Review: A Mighty Wind 12 May 03

I went last night with a group of about 8 of us from our folk group, and we were all amused! (My face was stiff for hours from laughing...)

A friend of ours warned us: "Be ready to really be 'bashed' in this film...," but I honestly don't think that all folk musicians were bashed any more than all married couples are 'bashed' in a film with silly couples, or all teachers are 'bashed' in a film with silly teachers, or--well, you get the picture! It was a funny film that revolved around trying to set up a memorial folk concert...   The lyrics to the 'folk' songs were a scream!)
"There's a puppy in the corner, and a kettle on the stove,
And a smelly old blanket that a Navajo wove..."

The only thing I can think of that's funnier than the film is that there REALLY IS a soundtrack CD, and people will buy it and listen! I may require medical attention the first time someone comes to the coffehouse and requests "There's a Kiss at the end of the Rainbow" or "Never Did No Ramblin'" -- I'm sure I'll bust a gut laughing!

I already know that I *have* to see this again!

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