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GUEST,Claymore BS: News on VA? (23) RE: BS: News on VA? 15 May 03

Not if we win wars with some two hundred casualties in the first Gulf war and approximately the same number in the recent conflict. Remember that we lost over 58,000 in Viet Nam and some half a million in WWII.

And as I stated up above, not all Vets get the same benefits, nor should they. I have seen cases where the homeless have claimed to be Vets, received aid, and then were discovered to be imposters. It apparently is a common ploy to gain sympathy from the ignorant. Many times as a cop, I would run into such scum, and I would immediately check their story out, then hit them with every charge that applied. The numbers of garbage who claimed to have been on a "secret mission where no records were kept" were legion. I remember the stupidity of the quote (which still occasionally surfaces) that there were three million homeless Vietnam vets, which was one million more than those who served "in country".

Those who got Dishonorables still get some benefits, whereas I believe they should receive none. But I don't make the rules... But I do wish that those who lie while trying to obtain benefits should be given mandatory prison sentences.

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