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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Legal Eagle Tuners (46) RE: Tuners 16 Jul 99

My trouble and strife has been playing guitar for 40 years. I've been playing for 35. We're Ok but not brilliant. For a while we had a young lad in our band. He is good - very good. Before that we had another old soak in too, and he's one of the best fingerstyle guitarists in Kent and a damn fine singer too (and uses steel claws and plays a dreadnoughtif anyone wants that argument). We all thought we could tune. The first day one of us brought a tuner to practice we did double the amount of work we had done the previous weeks, most of which had been spent setting one string to a tuning fork, all tuning our guitars (and in my case mandolin too) discovering all the guitars disagreed with the recorder and each other, calling each other names, and starting again. We also played with a guy with a big Tak which went badly sharp in the middle of the neck - but he disagreed. I tell you that tuner saved WW3.

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