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denise:^) Folk Music Dying? (97* d) RE: Folk Music Dying? 17 Jun 03

...and, Guest Dave H., MY favorite "Schoolhouse Rock" is "The Preamble to the Constitution" ("We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, extablish justice, and ensure domestic tranquility-y-y-y...")

Or maybe "A Noun's a Person, Place, or Thing" ("Mrs. Jones is a lady on Hudson Street; She sent her dog to bark at my brother and me; We gave her dog a big, fat bone, and now he barks at Mrs. Jones...")

Hmmm...or, how 'bout, "I'm just a Bill, yes, I'm only a Bill, and I'm sittin' here on Capitol hill..."

Yes, I'd say Schoolhouse Rock taught me a thing or two...and now I'll probably be singing them to myself all night...

Not "folk music" to begin with, but, from the amount of folks who can sing them now, they may have joined the ranks!


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