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Tucker A warm goodbye, from The Shambles. (78* d) RE: A warm goodbye, from The Shambles. 23 Jul 99

I can understand Paul's feelings, the politics got to me too. My main attraction here was music and I must admit I indulged in Politics, after all it is part of life. I want to return, to share musical experience with my friends here. After all, I have liberal and conservative friends in my society and we don't eat each other (sic. Anyway, I am coming back but I am leaving politics on this side of the keyboard. Yeah it is very much part of music but for the most part we can tread lightly there. I found out that what we take lightly ie: the IRA and the songs are not taken so lightly by those trying to establish peace in Ireland. At any rate, when we meet, lets lift a glass, sing a song and enjoy each other's company. I like you all and we have music in common. Tucker

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