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GUEST,JB First Songs You Performed (52* d) RE: First Songs You Performed 25 Jul 03

Sorry 'bout that slip of the pinky finger just now...

Reading this thread has brought back memories of earlier performances of mine. In fourth grade (1964) I was a Confederate soldier in the school variety show, singing "Goober Peas." Then in 7th grade I won first place in the junior high talent show with an act that would probably get a kid detention today: I sang "Little Brown Jug" (with the same for a prop) and after each verse I took a swig from it and acted drunker and drunker until I staggered offstage at the end. That wasn't politically incorrect back then.

I've noticed a theme appearing in some of the posts: teachers who, because of harsh criticism of a child's singing, kept said person from opening his/her mouth for decades, believing that they couldn't sing. What an awful thing for a teacher to do. Everyone has a voice and should use it, and it's shameful that a teacher would so casually stunt the growth of a student in such a way.

It's heartening to hear that folks have overcome such powerful early conditioning. Just think how many more there are out there who haven't.


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