The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62016   Message #1000012
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
10-Aug-03 - 09:53 PM
Thread Name: Drugs menace ..Are we to blame?
Subject: RE: Drugs menace ..Are we to blame?
akenaton-not sure where you are, but if you are in UK, you will apreccite the problem, I reckon that most people here, just want to live a peaceful life, perhaps go to the pub once a week, and invite their mates round for a few cans once a week. I spoke to Jon & Pip Freeman at a festival , a couple of years ago, they told me that druggies are in their village!, as i said, i wou;d like to be able to invite my friends here for a drink and a sing once a month or whatever, BUT, how would i feel if there car was broken into by the druggies down the street?
A friends of mine and local Catter {Bassic], visited me recently, I said to him " have you left any valuables in your car?"
If so bring them in.
Also, Les from Hull came here recently,I gave him a lift to a festival [ les does not drive], he says " i coulf leave my cycle outside, chained to your fence?"
i said "no, you should bring it in. or they will nick it"
there is too many theifs here, and nost of tyhem are on drugs, if i hafd the money, i would move away from hull.john