The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61935   Message #1000406
Posted By: Megan L
11-Aug-03 - 03:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Attack coming on August 27!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Attack coming on August 27!!!
Ach bairns theres nae caues fur aw this stramash they will be arrivn at7.36 and 25 seconds give or take 3 hours for thier annual Orcadian holliday.

I though abody kent they hiv been cummin here fur years. Mind you this years visit should be a belter Maggie Signus third cousin twice removed to the galactic emperor is marryin a wee laddie frae frae Stromness, thats if Cameron gets back frae sooth in time.

Aye tem clever clogs at big brither didny ken that.