The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61991   Message #1000522
Posted By: GUEST,Len Wallace
11-Aug-03 - 07:37 PM
Thread Name: Email newsletters of musicians
Subject: RE: Email newsletters of musicians
Hi again Mudgang,

Good suggestions from all.

Guess my newsletter is a bit different because I do a lot of "political folk" or "labour music" plus being an activist myself. My list contains about 300 names with people interested in folk, politics, the politics of folk, just accordions, or just bad jokes and puns that I'm fond of sharing. People end up writing back to me with things to add. Plus by giving reviews and mentioning other musician's recording releases I help the community along, they remember it and then plug me - the old one hand washes the other.

One of the problems of keeping an email list is that people are constantly changing email addresses. And I send out the newsletter in batches (15 names on a list - one addressed to me then I bcc everyone else who follows). I also occasionally give different "Subject" titles. That way if an email is returned to me I can easily determine from which batch it came, eliminate the old email and write a new one in.

By the way, if anyone wants to get my newsletter just email me at:

Once again, I'm open to receiving news from other people and getting their newsletters.

For music that never dies,

Len Wallace